Monday, January 1, 2007

this year

i'm going to find a cure for cancer and do my utmost to facilitate world peace. i also intend to do a mile in under 3 and a half minutes and learn to juggle 34 balls at the same time. i'm a bit over plate spinning now i can keep 56 of them revolving at once so i will focus my abilities with poles on trying to beat the world javelin record. or perhaps learning that crazy poledancing move where the 'lady' hangs upside down from the top of the pole, gripping on with her ankles (normally while wearing killer heels - i'll probably keep my slippers on)
if i don't do all the above, i will at least try:
to have more lay ins - i'm getting quite bored of 6am on a sunday hangover or no hangover?
to be less critical of myself - why does our inner moaner never get a sore throat or lose their voice like the rest of us?
have more sex (at least this year i can include the word more in that sentence, unlike in other years)
drink less (that old chestnut)
eat more fruit and veg (can't believe my life has come to this)
spend more time in the here and now, just being, not obsessively doing.
i will let you know how i get on.
my first contact with another human being this year was with a friend's 4 year old who came down waving a fairy wand over my bed. bless!

1 comment:

starbhanta said...

Gad you're a miserable bleeder. However if you do find a cure for cancer could you let me know please? I suspect I may have nose cancer.
The thought of you upside down on a nasty pole with your little ole man slippers has cracked me up. You've got the ankles for it though!