Thursday, July 26, 2007

in a tight spot

i'm very happy in my masculinity – Iron John? been there, done that.
and i'm not afraid to shed a tear over Terms of Endearment and Deal or No Deal. but the other day i was on the phone to someone's office and the person i wanted to speak to wasn't there. 'would you like to leave a message,' asked the PA. 'can you ask him to give Steven Short a call please', said i. to which she replied: 'Susan Short?'
then yesterday i picked up someone else's phone and said hello only to be met with 'hi Kate, how are you?'.
Maybe these size 6 support knickers aren't such a good idea…

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

shall i make that a flambé?

bottle of champagne in posh hotel where we were staying the night.
cocktails on the way to the restaurant (margaritas, my current favourite tipple).
turn up at posh, newly opened W1 eatery.
shown to table. husband and wife at table next to us. he's cheated and is begging forgiveness, she's doing lemon-sucking face. at table on other side a pair of tipsy 20somethings.
start looking at menu. then, eyebrows furrowing (or what passes for furrowing in these wrinkle-therapied times) i say 'someone is smoking in here!' as a plume floats before me (the anti smoking ban came into force on 1 july).
'no,' exclaims boyfriend. 'your menu is on fire!'
tealights on the table!
how we laughed!
boyfriend later ended up laying in the street in Mayfair. i got a bollocking the next day for getting his shirt dirty.
but that's a whole new entry.

Monday, July 2, 2007

wet wet wet

quiet weekend. built an ark. well, with this weather, you never know. apparently it is set to last throughout the summer. last week they were promising a 'phew what a scorcher' July, now apparently we are due to be rained in until at least September.
which i suppose will give me a chance to keep up with facebook. yawn.
my friend Geraldine wants to start a version for us oldies called faceliftbook, which i love.