Monday, February 19, 2007

who loves ya!

so, for the first time in years i find myself besotted by someone. which is all very nice. except it isn't all very nice at all. bits of it are great - you know, silly texts, sweet phone calls, secret smiles, sex etc.
but bits of it are frankly torturous.
'does he really like me?' 'are we exclusive' and if we aren't 'where is he, what's he doing and who's he doing it to?' 'is he only interested in me for my inheritance?' (actually that's one thing i don't have to fret about) etc etc etc.
so, it's lovely on the one hand, little cherubs are floating around the office, playing violins and smiling at me but they also keep giving me funny sideways looks, sniggering and saying things like 'yeah right!' and 'so, can't see you on Saturday, eh? i'm sure it's nothing but i'd be a bit worried'.
they don't tell you about that in Mills & bloody Boon.
elsewhere in my world i'm busy busy busy and in a bad bad bad mood.

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