Wednesday, September 3, 2008

in short

when people first started writing LOL in emails and on facebook (yes, i'm STILL on facebook, surely it's now so out of fashion that it is back in again) i thought they were sending me Lots of Love. Instead, of course, they mean Laugh Out Loud. which may or may not be the case depending on how amusing the thing they are talking about is.
I'm pioneering a new lot of abbreviations. I hope you like them:
STM - smirk to myself
GAB - giggle a bit
STMOWIJSE - spit the mouthful of water I'd just sipped everywhere
my favourite though is
SMP - shit my pants.
something does have to be bloody funny to get that, of course, and, for those things that really are beyond hilarious
SFIHAHAAHJRFH - so funny i had a heart attack and have just returned from hospital

don't forget to email now!

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