Wednesday, April 1, 2009

junior gaydar

i was once in the park with my mates Louise and Lee and their then five year old son Jack. out of the blue, and apropro of nothing Jack suddenly announced: 'your favourite colour is pink'. i asked him how he knew and he seemed bemused that i'd even bother to ask. i was reminded of this incident recentwhen Gerry came home with six year old Erin (they are my hosts during my stay in Oz). Erin had had a 'news day' at school (i know! whatever happened to good old show and tell?) and apparently she was very excited to tell the class about her new houseguests, one of Mummy's old old friend from England: 'Aunty Steven'!
I also recently spent the day with some other friends and their kids, one of whom asked coyly: 'how old are you?', when i asked her to hazard a guess she said '16'. bless!

so, new town, new gym. cutting down my attendance from every day compulsive to three-times-a-week almost normal, which i am enjoying, though Fitness First may be going into liquidation if i reduce my gymgoing any further. actually it's two new gyms - one top notch, full of heavily 'enhanced' ladies who like to work out before their salads one full of ozzie meatheads, lifting far too heavy weights and grunting. the other day i made myself giggle by imagining walking up to the bulkiest one there and asking if he could spot me. when he reluctantly agreed i would lead him over to the bench press onto which i've already loaded 2.5K weights and make a real song and dance about completing a set of 10. well it made me laugh.

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