Tuesday, September 29, 2009

only me. again!

avid readers can put those tissues away now. the bitch is back!
i've had a blog-block since doing a silent retreat back in May: everything, twitter, blogging, hotmailing, botox, hair dye, deoderant, clean underwear – felt unnecessary and just more noise. but man cannot live on lotus positions and good will alone and besides, i saw something at the gym today i wanted to comment on.
not the woman who was so thin she could barely actually climb onto the stepper - the fact that her lips had been enhanced to life-raft proportions didn't make it any easier for her, radically moving as they did her centre of gravity but the amount of muscle marys in SUNGLASSES.
yes, first there was the jewellery - Lord Mayor stylee chains worn outside of the wife beaters. now we have sunglasses. inside.
i looked for white sticks and labradors in the lockers but found no evidence to suggest that these people were visually impaired so can only assume they were labouring under the illusion that they look 'cool'.
it is surely only a matter of time before someone opens a branch of Claire's accessories in the shower!

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