Wednesday, February 21, 2007

fluffy pink clouds

apparently it takes 4,976 muscles to frown and only 2 to smile! whoever made that up had obviously never heard of botox.
anyway, have an acute attack of FBS (fluffy bunny syndrome) today - the sun is out, the sky is blue, i had a good night's sleep, nice date to look forward to this evening and all is well in the world.
so, to counter the list of annoying things i compiled a while ago, today is about the nicer things in life:
- beetroot, avacado and sesame seed salad
- laying in bed on a sat morning with a coffee and a magazine
- waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of rain outside, knowing i don't have to get up for work
- the feeling i get when i'm running and i think 'i can't carry on' and a song comes on my ipod and suddenly i feel like i can't stop!
- a perfectly chilled glass of chablis after a tough day at work
- laying on the beach listening to the sea and the martini that comes after a day frazzling
- a new jumper
- box-fresh pants
- walking home in the rain, splashing in all the puddles, getting totally soaked (for some reason, this doesn't have the same effect if you do it on the way to work!)
- being recognised by kids
i would go on, but i feel myself slipping into trite hallmark territory so shall stop here.

1 comment:

starbhanta said...

Being recognised by kids? Why? Is your picture posted in the PTA mag as 'one to watch'?