Friday, June 15, 2007

do you have a minute?

well, i'm finding this whole blogging malarkey pretty tough i have to say. not thinking of things to moan about (if moaning were an olympic sport i'd get gold every time) but actually getting round to sitting down and doing it. i do actually have a day job to fit in, plus various facial commitments – you know, this serum, that moisturiser, etc – and those vitamins and supplements are hardly going to take themselves now, are they? then there's bloody facebook, which all my friends seem to think is what passes for friendship these days (which reminds me, i haven't updated my wall today), plus of course youtube, bebo, virtualinanity and all the other sites vying for attention.

1 comment:

starbhanta said...

Me too. Still fun in a narcissistic kinda way though. Innit?