Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Phlp Lrkn ws rght!

'Call me, urgent', 'Text me your office number ASAP'… Do your parents ever leave you messages like that? The first one is usually a voicemail that sounds slightly breathless and frantic. The second texted through in the middle of the night or ridiculously early in the morning. EMERGENCY you think. WHAT'S HAPPENED? WHO'S DIED? So you find a quiet spot to make the call, ready to keep it together when you're told your world's falling apart. 'Oh, hi. Just wondered what you fancied for tea when you visit' or 'hello mate! just called to say hi and see what you are up to'. The fact that your next visit is three weekends away or that, due to international time differences, you're actually just starting work, which people tend to do early on a Tuesday morning in Europe, seem irrelevant to mum and dad, with their different time frames and to do lists.
And don't even get me started on parents and txt spk!

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