Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Sugababes were wrong – people aren't all the same!

There is a story in the news today about an amazing new discovery in the field of genetics. It seems that people aren't nearly as similar as was previously believed. Apparently rather than being less than 1% different from everyone else in our genetic make-up, the distinction is more than 10%* (*figures not precise – I was making coffee while downloading the new Damien Rice album at the time). This discovery will come as a severe blow to the religiously inclined who believe that God created them in his own image and that the only difference between them and Jesus is that they wear socks with their sandals, but slightly less alarming for people like me who sometimes have misanthropic tendencies. Next time, for example, I am woken up by the woman next door screaming blue murder at her 'loser, layabout, leach' boyfriend, rather than empathise (we're all in the same boat, we're all human, I think therefore I ohm etc etc), I can roll over and go back to sleep safe in the knowledge that 'there but for the grace of genes go I'.
Now, onto the rather more pressing matter of what to wear today,

1 comment:

JezzaT said...

I think we need a profile on here Steven...