Wednesday, August 8, 2007

what a carry on...

so, first of all there was the evil plastic bag.
which we all hearted.
every time you went to the super market you'd come back laden with them. you know, a tomato in one, another tomato in another, a diet coke in one, a full-fat coke in another – you get my drift. we'd all wantonly consume them. they were free, what do you expect.
then came the plastic backlash (which, now that i write it, sounds like it should be one of those 80s leaning electropoptechno bands that everyone pretends to like because they've been in this month's dazed and bemused).
and the plastic backlash meant that we all started talking about landfill and biodegradability and the like (and pulled horrible faces if anyone tried to give us non-bottled water and non-organice vegetables). and then we shunned too many free horrid plastic bags, opting instead to stuff as much of our shopping into each one as we humanly could so that somewhere between the supermarket and our front door the handles stretched until they resembled a cheese wire and nearly sliced our fingers off. but AT LEAST THAT MEANT THAT FEWER OF THE THINGS WENT INTO A LANDFILL.
and then some clever person had the idea of making a jute / organic cotton / fairtrade childhair version of the carrying vessel and the plastic bag became 'i am not a plastic bag' (how dada!). the trouble is, of course, that my kitchen is now full of 'i am not a plastic bag's and frankly, it's really getting on my tits. i'm all for avoiding landfill and just say yes to biodegradability but where am i going to put all these bloody monstrosities?
answers on a recycled postcard please

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