Monday, February 11, 2008

open your windows

i've just done my first bit of yoga for months. my god, it's a jungle in there! i'd forgotten what a mental chatterbox i am: 'do this, don't forget that, why did you do that, ouch that's stiff, ouch, that's really stiff, how much longer, where's my phone…'
it's scary how quickly emotional cobwebs gather. when i used to go to classes regularly it felt like i was giving myself a gentle mental dusting - judging from the last 20 minutes spent on my mat it seems my whole mental mansion needs a makeover and a bloody good clean.
which is pretty much what my bricks and mortar abode got this weekend - paintwork was washed down, balls of fluff were removed, oh and i nearly chopped a finger off retrieving a picture from behind the radiator.
the house looks so much better and brighter today.
now, if i can get my spiritual house looking the same way.

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