Friday, April 4, 2008


as part of a literary drive to improve reading skills in my borough, every Thursday morning i go to a local school and hang out and read with a nine-year-old called Mustafa. we usually pick a book from the school library or we practise with the book he's been reading in class (he loves this as it makes him look really bright because he already knows what's going on). for a change, last week i took in a comic i picked up at the newsagents (i was mildly upset to see that Twinkle, my first experience of weeklies, is no longer published).
sitting down to read it yesterday i was horrified to see that it is all written in text speak.
they talk about things being really xtreme, and say c u l8er to each other, when they clearly mean 'tatty bye for now'.
i found myself getting outraged about how language is being corrupted, but then figured that if we had that attitude our lovely tongue would never evolve and we would still be saying things such as 'a pox on thine house' when we mean to say 'i'm gonna well skank you up down Talacre l8er, innit'.
progress, eh.

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