Sunday, November 30, 2008


according to my horoscope, this week i am due a bit of a break after the hectic, emotionally draining past few weeks. spooky, heh? particularly the bit about slowing things down. i am actually typing this incredibly slowly. can you tell?
i am indeed having a bit of a break, this week, which makes a change from a bit of a breakdown, i suppose.
yesterday i spent the entire day in my pjyamas and spex, doing a bit of wardrobe editing and watching five episodes of Madmen. I was shattered by the end of it! no wonder babies and old people sleep so much - doing nothing is exhausting!
actually i did also pick up some emails (i am a compuslive communicator). there was one from a mate who has some peeps over for Christmas and wondered if i could recommend a cheap hotel in London.
i ask ex boyf who is forever finding places to put his friends when they jet in – he's spanish and of the world-seeing age, so there is a pretty constant stream of visitors. his reply to me? 'Google it you lazy fxcker'!
Now, i could go into a put-upon-mum rant here about all the things i do for him (and, while I'm at it can i just remind everyone of that hilarious song from the 70s called No Charge, where a young girl compiles a list of all the chores she has done and how much she would like to be paid for them, prompting her ma to compile a list of all the loving things she has done for the girl over her lifetime, the cost of which, is a credit-crunch friendly no charge), so as i was saying before those brackets, i could gently remind him of all the things i do for him instead i took his email as an opportunity to use the much underrated 'Thank you for you unhelp!'
It's a classic and, once you get into the habit of using it, extremely versatile. Someone is rude to you on the phone, 'Thank you for your unhelp' is great, especially as it takes the other person a couple of seconds to register what you've said, by which time you've hung up and are gloating in your cleverness.
This tip was passed on to me by my mate Veronica, whose frend George (who is a dead-spit for Goldie Hawn) uses it all the time.

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