Sunday, February 10, 2008

go go before you wake me up

just come back from trying to buy the sunday papers. trying, as in not succeeding.
i really must be turning into a grandad because i think it's weird that not one newsagent or supermarket is open at 7.45am.
the only people i encountered when i was out was the road sweeper - it struck me as harsh that he had to be out sweeping the streets on a sunday but then i figure that serial litterers don't really think to themselves 'oh i won't drop that fag packet here today, it is sunday, after all', and a group of three lads who patently had not yet been to bed.
this trio reminded me of the now long gone days when i too would still be up when day arrived. i had a sudden flash of that feeling i used to get upon leaving a night club only to find that it was already daytime outside and that people were already going about their lives. it was a cross between 'oh no!' and 'ye-hah! pardeeeeeeee'.
needless to say, i don't miss those mornings in the slightest.

1 comment:

starbhanta said...

I knooow. Our local doesnt open untill 8.30 am - its very annoying. Of course if you had been searching for a Sunday Times and not a kebab as you fell out of those nightclubs all those years ago, you'd have know what time newsagents open on a Sunday.